Thursday, September 13, 2012

Power of Porridge Water (Miss Lai emphasis)

Porridge water is extremely healing. Porridge water is just the water and no rice in it ahahha.

In hokkien is called " Emmmh Pehhhhh".

This water not only bring down fever,, heatiness and power for skin. Is like drinking herbal tea without herbs. All the collagen ,micro nuitrients will be absorb by the skin.

It can be a Rehydration fluid as a replacement for the fluids lost in vomiting and diarrhea.
For families who don't have access to intravenous rehydration or electrolyte solutions, porridge water is better than plain water as a rehydration source.

It can hydrate skin and nourish your body quickly. Bring down depression and liver fire and heart fire. Drink warm slowly is very tasty.

Well one of my antiage secret is: Drink Porridge water follow by a antiage mask rest there 15mins, super radiant skin.

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